About Filipino Article Writer

Sasha L. Alova -

Johann Bolaño - A content writer with years of experience under his belt, he has now turned his focus in exploring the ever evolving online social media landscape. 

Through Filipino Article Writer, this Psychology major teamed up with Sasha and writes about social media news, strategies and solutions to anyone who is willing to listen and needs a layman's explanation as to what social media is.

Though he does not consider himself as a "Guru, Maven or Ninja" (I myself wonder as to why somebody would call himself/herself as such. Much more mind boggling is why people eat it up) he knows how to navigate the intricacies of the social media landscape, and understands the elements one must have in order to strive in such an environment.

Let Johann and his sometimes twisted take on things take you on a journey around the social media landscape. Though his presentation style may not like be that of most social media analysts, one thing is sure. His social media solutions does not come with BS.

Sincerely yours,

Nnahoj - His alter ego
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